“May it be done to me according to your word.” - Lk 1:38

Lately, I’ve imagined myself in the ocean being tossed back and forth by stormy waves. Each time I come up for air, another big wave crashes over me, and I go right back under. My heart has mimicked this prayer imagery, being in awe of the beauty of God in one moment and feeling like I’m suffocating underwater in the next. As my prayer and life continue, I cry out to God for help, understanding, and a plea for beauty rather than suffering.

When I cry out in the unknown and suffering, the Spirit reminds me to cling to the only life ring I deeply know – God is transforming me within. This gentle reminder that God is molding me, even if I may not fully understand how, helps me stay afloat a little while longer.

This faithful trust is portrayed in Mary’s reply to God’s invitation to bear His Son in today’s Gospel, “May it be done to me according to your word.” Mary didn’t know exactly what God had in store for her, but she took a risk and trusted more deeply in Him than in the details of what was to come. I hope that in our lives and currently my sea of stormy waves, our openness to cling to the life ring of trust in God’s transformation taking place within makes way for the Lord, even when we may not see or understand it.

During this Advent season of preparation, may we emulate Mary’s willingness and allow “it to be done to us according to your word,” whatever that may be and wherever that may lead. For Mary, God did not disappoint. He brought about something greater than she could have probably imagined. I trust it is the same God, and He can do the same for us all.

God of transformation, may we trust in your faithfulness more than our desire to understand how you work in our lives. May we heed Mary’s example to be open to your dream for us, thus making You become more alive in this world.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us.

How might I be willing to trust that God is transforming me this Advent season? How might I be like Mary and take a risk to trust more deeply?

Jaclyn Torres
