What happens when Easter is here, yet the grief of a loved one passing away or something in our lives that has ended, is still a reality that asks us to feel deep sadness and complex layers of joy?

This is my first Easter without my mom and it's harder than I thought it would be. Even with the gift of new life with Jesus that our faith grants us. Even with a plethora of beautiful memories. Even with knowing my mom lived a full life.

I thought she was going to live longer. Be around for so much more. Who knew that the shock I felt when she passed would last months?

In today's Gospel, two of Jesus' disciples meet him, downcast that he has died and unsure of the stories they had heard about an empty tomb. After realizing it is Jesus they are with, they set off to share their encounter with enthusiasm.

I'm learning that each person is allowed to grieve in their own way and in their own time. Today's Gospel encourages me to let each person, including myself, experience Easter in their own way and in their own time. Part of the Easter story, as it turns out, is a story of grief.

Yes, Jesus rose from the dead. But until his friends and disciples can see beyond their grief, he hasn't. Even with all the prophets laying out what was to happen.

Jesus, meet us on our way this Easter. Let your presence warm and console our hearts. Remind us that no matter where we are, you are waiting for us to see that you are with us all along. Amen.

Rae Visita Izquierdo 
