“This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.” – Mt 17:5

In today’s Gospel, the disciples see Jesus’ glory as God’s beloved. They see him transfigured into who he truly is. They heard the same voice that anchors his life: “You are my Beloved, on whom my favor rests” (Mt 3:17).

Two types of voices shape who we are and what we do. 

The first and louder kind says, “Prove that you are a good person,” or “If people really find out what you think and did, they’d run away,” or “You’ll never be ______ enough.” This type of voice demands that we make ourselves more successful, popular, powerful, productive, or holy to be accepted and loved. These voices permeate our society and are so ingrained in us that going against them involves a struggle and at times some sort of withdrawal and suffering.

Yet, beneath all these clamoring voices remains a still, small voice that whispers, “I am with you,” or “You are seen, known, and loved.” That’s the voice we need to hear most of all. To hear that voice, however, requires a willingness to be drawn into moments of solitude and silence. It involves patient humility to listen. It may take some time to get past those deafening “not enough” voices, yet it is possible. 

Listening to the second voice, which is gentler and deeper than human speaking, is essentially our Lenten pilgrimage of faith. It is letting God’s voice whisper to you and me, in our own unique way, that we are “Beloved of God.” The more we allow this truth to ground our way of seeing and being, the more we are empowered to treat others as God’s beloved. Jesus kept going back to this center of his life. We are called to do likewise.

“Lord, help me pause for prayer and solitude or to simply get in touch with a graced moment. Help me to listen to your gentle voice within.”
