Recommended Time: 85 minutes

1. Watch The Chosen Episode 1.3. (30 min)

2. Quietly reflect or journal on these questions below. (15 min)

  • Jesus invites us to approach God with child-like trust, curiosity, and boldness. How do you hear and respond to this invitation?

  • It was easy for Abigail to tell her friends about Jesus. What is it like for you when telling your friends and family about Jesus? What struggles or hesitations do you face?

  • Is there anything else from the episode that puzzles, moves, or surprises you? How so?

3. Break into small groups and share answers to your questions above. (30 min)

4. Reconvene with the large group and discuss the following large group questions below. (10 min)

  • Is there an insight that came up from your small group that you think the large group can benefit from?

  • Is there a question you’d like to pose to everyone in the large group?

Source: Angel Studios
