Recommended Time: 100 minutes

1. Watch The Chosen Episode 2.8. (45 min)

2. Quietly reflect or journal on either of the sets of questions below or combine them to fit your group’s needs. (15 min)

    1. Judas is looking for more in life, something that he can be proud of. Who or what is drawing you in a way that points to something greater or deeper in your life?

    2. What were you thinking or feeling when Jesus spoke the Beatitudes (“blessed are you”) with each of the disciples in mind? Which Beatitude is he speaking to you today?

    3. Is there anything else from the episode that puzzles, moves, or surprises you? How so?

    1. Jesus says that the Beatitudes are “a map.” They are “directions” pointing to the groups of people we should look for to find him. Who in your life points to the Beatitudes? Which Beatitude do they particularly reflect? Which Beatitude might I be called to better embody and how so?

    2. In giving the disciples the benefit of the doubt, Thomas tells Tamar that “they all love our Rabbi and want to follow him the right way. They just can’t agree on what that right way is.” Thomas even generously calls their disagreeable interactions “love”. What do you find helpful regarding a “common ground” approach when disagreeing with other believers about the best way to be Christian?

    3. Is there anything else from the episode that puzzles, moves, or surprises you? How so?

3. Break into small groups and share answers to your questions above. (30 min)

4. Reconvene with the large group and discuss the following large group questions below. (10 min)

  • Is there an insight that came up from your small group that you think the large group can benefit from?

  • Is there a question you’d like to pose to everyone in the large group?

Source: Angel Studios
