God’s Authority, Not Mine

“Do not love the world or the things of the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him…” – 1 Jn 2:15

The end of the year and the beginning of the next always compel me to take inventory of my life. It sounds like such a vague and overwhelming undertaking, which it is. I always start with the same area because it is the most visible: all my stuff - physical possessions that surround me, things I bought with hard-earned money, sentimental items that offer memories of experiences or people. As I purge and organize to start the year with a relatively cleaner surrounding, I repeatedly remind myself of one thing: I can’t take these with me into the next life.

This passage is a beautiful reminder of our identity and purpose as children of God. John offers us words of encouragement that affirm God's love and truth anchor us. It is also, however, a warning about adoring the things of this world so much that we lose sight of the One who deserves our focus. We are being challenged to examine our hearts, and how we’re using it to evaluate what’s meaningful in our lives.

How often do we get entangled with all our “stuff?” Physical possessions, fleeting desires, the allure of wealth, or the pride of self-sufficiency? These temptations can distract us and pull us away from fulfilling God’s will, so we are invited to realign our focus.

Let us remember that the things of this world, both physical and abstract, are temporary, but doing God’s will leads to lasting fulfillment. As we look upon the final days of this year, may we live with perspective and truly cherish our relationship with God by resisting the pull of worldly distractions and give in to His dreams for us, His mercy, His promise of eternal life.

Anna Gonda
