Following in Faith

Though I thought I had toiled in vain, and for nothing, uselessly, spent my strength, Yet my reward is with the LORD, my recompense is with my God.
- Isaiah 49:4

I wish life had its own version of Google maps – so we can see the path ahead, so we know where we’re going, so we can avoid closed roads and even, perhaps, find a shortcut to our destination. But we have no such app and, instead, are invited to follow God’s call with the tool we so often forget to use – our faith; even when His instructions arrive piecemeal, even when obstacles feel insurmountable, and even when progress seems slow or worse, non-existent.

I have been trying to run a small business with so little knowledge of being a business owner ever since I quit my full-time corporate job. Though I know more now than I did two years ago, I still feel like I’m running in place – tirelessly checking off tasks and gaining new information, but still going nowhere. In this verse from Isaiah from our readings today, I am reminded of the faith and trust that led me to venture into this unknown and uncomfortable new life in the first place. After years of discernment, what ultimately guided my final decision was believing that no matter what results from my choices, God would never leave me to handle anything alone.

I have never felt so lowly and unsure of myself as I have these past two years, and the temptation to give up whatever dreams I have, taunt me each day. You can’t possibly continue this. You don’t even know what you’re doing. What makes you think you can make a difference? Such voices come to discourage me, but more so to try to pull me away from the only Voice I need to hear; One that offers words of comfort and reassurance. I have faith that God sees my labor, He sees my weakened determination, and He sees my heartache. He has a divine plan for me. All He asks is that I place my trust in Him.

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life,” in this specific order because we don’t understand first and then follow. We are asked to follow and then understand along the way; even if the way is paved with challenges, even when we grow weary during the journey, even when it would be easier to give up and just turn back.

What is God asking you to place in His hands? What act of faith does He seek from you during this Holy Week?

Anna Gonda
